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High-resolution EVN Map

You can right-click / Save image as to access the high-resolution version. When reusing this image please use the following copyright statement:

Image © Bob Campbell, the underlying map was generated using Fourmilab's EarthView, specifically this page to get a form to specify a "satellite-view" of the planet based on NASA's Blue Marble imagery.


The map shows the EVN and other participating stations and their status (colour-coded) using the following colour-coding table:

  • Yellow/Red: current operational EVN stations
  • Cyan/Red: existing telescopes soon to be EVN stations
  • Cyan/Blue: new EVN stations under construction
  • Pink/Purple: non-EVN stations that have participated in EVN observations
  • Green/Brown: non-EVN stations with whom initial EVN tests have been carried out
mage © Bob Campbell, the underlying map was generated using Fourmilab's EarthView to get a form to specify a satellite-view of the planet based on NASA's Blue Marble imagery.
Image © Bob Campbell, the underlying map was generated using Fourmilab's EarthView, specifically to get a form to specify a satellite-view of the planet based on NASA's Blue Marble imagery.