The general policy of the EVN is set by the EVN Consortium Board of Directors (CBD). Members of this board are the directors of the individual EVN member institutes. The board meets in the spring and autumn of each year.
Minutes of the EVN CBD meetings are available (Password required).
Members of the board
Full members
- Krzysztof Katarzyńsk CHAIR
NCU, PL - Simon Garrington vice chair
MERLIN/JBO, UK - Tiziana Venturi
IRA, IT - Pablo de Vicente
IGN-Yebes, ES - Fernando Camilo
SARAO, ZA - Mārcis Donerblics
VIRAC, LV - Marcin Gawronski
NCU, PL - John Conway
OSO, SE - Shen Zhi-qiang
ShAO, CN - Agnieszka Słowikowska
JIVE, NL - Jessica Dempsey
ASTRON, NL - Cui Lang
XAO, CN - Anton Zensus
Associate members
- Taehyun Jung
KVN, KR - Torben Schueler
BKG, DE - Joni Tammi
MRO/Aalto Univ., FI