Do you have a scientific idea and you discovered that observations with the European VLBI Network (EVN) will help to unveil the nature of your astrophysical scenario? Then submit an observing proposal to get EVN time!
The EVN follows an Open-Sky policy and encourages any astronomer to apply for EVN observing time. Astronomers with limited or no VLBI experience are particularly encouraged to apply for observing time, and student proposals are judged favourably.
Support with proposal preparation, scheduling, correlation, data reduction and analysis can be requested from the Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE). Contact us for any queries.
Read the most recent Call for Proposals and EVN updates section to stay up to date with the EVN capabilities and observing modes.
We accept three types of proposals
Regular Proposals
To be submitted under the regular call for proposals (1st February, 1st June, 1st October). For science cases that do not need to be approved immediately. Include trigger proposals, out-of-session, correlator-only, and EVN-lite proposals.
Target of Opportunity
Proposals that require a very fast track outside the regular calls. For targets that need to be observed at a short notice owing to rare, unpredictable and/or variable phenomena.
Short Requests
Exploratory observations that will lead up to a regular proposal. For example, to test the feasibility of an observational setup, or checking possible calibrator sources.
These are not short scientific observations.

Contact Details
Keep your current email updated in the proposal. It will be used by the EVN Programme Committee and EVN Scheduler to contact you.

Public abstract info
The abstracts of the observed proposals will become public at the EVN Data Archive.