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Wettzell contact information

Phone numbers
+49 9941 603 0 
+49 9941 603 -108 or -262 (control room)
Fax numbers
+49 9941 603 222
VLBI account
VLBI friend
Alexander Neidhardt (alexander.neidhardt{at}
+49 9941 603 263
Christian Plötz (christian.ploetz{at}
+49 9941 603 104
Technical friends
Gerhard Kronschnabl (gerhard.kronschnabl{at}
+49 9941 603 264
Christian Plötz (christian.ploetz{at}
+49 9941 603 0
Martin Brandl (martin.brandl{at}
+49 9941 603 265
Walter Schwarz ({at}
+49 9941 603 266
VLBI chief
Alexander Neidhardt (TUM, alexander.neidhardt{at}
+49 9941 603 263
Christian Plötz (BKG, christian.ploetz{at}
+49 9941 603 104
Observatory director
Torben Schüler (torben.schueler{at}
+49 9441 603 0
Martin Brandl (martin.brandl{at}
+49 9941 603 265
Walter Schwarz ({at}
+49 9941 603 266
Institute, postal and telescope address
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) and
Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie (FESG) / Technical University of Munich
Geodätisches Observatorium Wettzell 
Sackenrieder Strasse 25 
D-93444 Bad Kötzting 

Wettzell operates AGO (Argentinean-German Geodetic Observatory) at La Plata, Argentina with a 6m offset VLBI-antenna; for information, contact Hajo Hase (hayo.hase{at} 
Wettzell also operates the German Antarctic Receiving Station (GARS) O'Higgins together with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Oberpfaffenhofen with a 9m antenna; for information contact Christian Plötz (christian.ploetz{at}

The BKG Wettzell operates a local correlator and cooperates with correlator at MPIfR Bonn; for information contact Christian Plötz (christian.ploetz{at} 
The BKG Wettzell schedules sessions for he IVS; for information contact Christian Plötz (christian.ploetz{at} 
The BKG also operates the VLBI data and analysis center at Leipzig.