Second edition of EVN Online Seminar Series
The European VLBI Network (EVN) is pleased to announce the second edition of the series of online seminars “The sharpest view of the radio Universe: VLBI – Connecting Astronomers Worldwide”. Five seminars will cover different science topics illustrating how Very Long Baseline Interferometry can improve our understanding of many astronomical phenomena and how this technique is useful for the whole astronomical community. The new seminars started on 29 November 2021 and will be organised around every six weeks, leading up to the organisation of the 2022 EVN Symposium on 11-15 July 2022.
Following a successful first edition in 2020-2021, the seminars comprise 35-40 minute talks, followed by a Q&A and discussion session. The seminars can be followed live via Zoom as well as through the JIVE/EVN YouTube Channel.
The first seminar took place on Monday 29 November 2021. Giuseppe Cimò (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC) gave a talk titled “Observing Interplanetary spacecraft with radio telescopes: connecting astronomers and space scientists”.
The second seminar of the series will be held on Friday 28 January 2022 - 16:00 CET (15:00 UTC) by Cornelia C. Lang (University of Iowa) with the talk "High resolution observations of magnetic fields in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center".
More information about the seminars can be found at the EVN Seminars webpage.